What Heart Conditions Qualify for VA Disability?
Any heart condition can qualify a veteran for VA disability, if the condition is service connected and is sufficiently serious. The VA uses a general rating schedule for many heart conditions, but also has separate schedules for many heart conditions. And, some heart conditions are presumed service connected for certain veterans. Here’s what you should know!
Cardiac Conditions with Presumptive Service Connections
Some heart conditions and other cardiovascular diseases are presumed service connected for certain veterans. For example:
- Hypertension is presumed service-connected for former POWs and for veterans exposed to Agent Orange during their military service
- Ischemic heart disease, including coronary artery disease and atheriosclerotic cardiovascular disease, is presumed service connected for veterans exposed to Agent Orange during their military service
- Undiagnosed conditions involving cardiovascular and other symptoms are presumed service connected for Gulf War and post-9/11 veterans
- Beriberi heart disease is presumed service connected for POWs who were held for 30 days or more
If there is no presumed service connection, it is up to the veteran to show that the condition started during military service or was more likely than not caused by an event or exposure during military service.
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VA Ratings for Heart Conditions
General Rating Schedule
The general rating schedule for heart conditions is based primarily on METs. One MET is the metabolic energy cost of standing quietly. Disability ratings are assigned as follows:
- 100% disability rating if a workload of 3 METs or less results in heart failure symptoms
- 60% disability rating if a workload of 3.1-5 METs results in heart failure symptoms
- 30% disability rating if a workload of 5.1-7 METs results in heart failure symptoms, or with cardiac hypertrophy or dilation
- 10% disability rating if a workload of 7.1-10 METs results in heart failure symptoms, or continuous medication is required for control
Heart Conditions with Separate Rating Schedules
All together, their are several heart conditions are automatically assigned a 100% VA disability rating for a period of time, which may be set or indefinite. Then, when that period expires, they are rated on the general cardiovascular rating system. These include:
- Endocarditis
- Pericarditis
- Myocardial infarction
- Bradycardia requiring placement of a pacemaker
- Heart valve replacement
- Coronary bypass surgery
- Cardiac transplant
- Sustained ventricular arrhythmias
Other heart conditions have specific schedules based on the severity of the condition. Some common examples are cardiomyopathy and hypertension.
Get the Help You Need with Your VA Claim for a Heart Condition
As you can see, there’s a lot to sort out in a claim for VA disability benefits for a heart condition. Small mistakes or oversights can delay your benefits, or even result in denial or a lower disability rating. Give yourself the advantage of an experienced disability benefits advocate. Call 888-373-4722 today, or fill out our contact form.
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