If your VA disability benefits claim for post-chiasmal disorder has been denied, you have the right to an appeal. A veterans disability advocate may be able to help you get the benefits you deserve.
Veterans who are suffering from a condition related to their military service may be able to obtain compensation for those injuries. The VA provides compensation benefits to veterans for disabilities related to their time in the service. The level of benefits received is typically based on the illness or injury and its severity.
VA uses a rating system to calculate benefit payments. but it is common to receive denials or unfairly low ratings due to even minor application errors or errors on the part of the VA. Because of this, you should consult a VA disability advocate if you have received an unfavorable decision.
Many diseases and injuries are officially linked to military service, and eye conditions are some of the most frequently reported. If you are suffering from post-chiasmal disorder related to an in-service event, you have a right to seek compensation for your injury.
If VA has previously denied your post-chiasmal disorder claim, a VA disability advocate may be able to help you appeal the decision. Rest assured that initial claims denials are extremely common, and even approved cases often receive an unfairly low rating. The appeals process, however, is complex. Fortunately, you do not have to navigate these waters alone. Contact a veterans disability advocate today: (888) 373-4722.
Causes and Symptoms of Post-Chiasmal Disorder
Post-chiasmal disorder affects the retina, and it is characterized by vision problems, headaches, and even blindness. Chiasmal syndromes affect the optic chiasm, the part of the brain at which the optic nerves partially cross each other.
Although frequently caused by pituitary adenomas, cancer, or multiple sclerosis, post-chiasmal disorder may also be caused by trauma to the head. When an individual suffers an injury to the anterior skull base or its frontal bone, chiasmal syndromes may result.
Symptoms of Post-Chiasmal Disorder
Although it shares many symptoms with glaucoma — and is often misdiagnosed as such — post-chiasmal disorder has distinct symptoms:
- Photopsia — flashes of light in the visual field
- Involuntary eye movements
- Double vision
- Blind spots in the peripheral field
- Night blindness
- Light intolerance
- Headache
- Pupillary changes
- Nausea
- Eye redness
- Vision loss
If you are suffering from post-chiasmal disorder, it may be connected to your military service. VA will review your appeal to determine if you are eligible for benefits. If your claim is denied or you receive an unfairly low rating, you have a right to appeal the decision. Call a veterans’ disability advocate today to seek the maximum compensation that you deserve.
The Appeals Process
Although a delay in benefits can be frustrating and even scary, initial denials of VA claims are very common. Do not be discouraged. An effective appeal will establish three key criteria:
* you have a current diagnosis of the condition for which you are seeking benefits,
* you experienced an in-service event or in service onset of your symptoms, and
* a medical nexus between the in-service event and your diagnosis.
Although certain medical conditions can sometimes be presumptively linked to military service and therefore do not require a link to an in-service event, post-chiasmal disorder is not one of those conditions.
If you are suffering from chiasmal syndrome or any other condition that does not qualify for presumed service connection, your condition must be linked by a medical professional to your in-service event (or onset). For example, did head trauma during an attack or explosion cause or worsen your condition? A VA disability advocate can help you gather evidence to show the three key criteria:
A Current Diagnosis of Post-Chiasmal Disorder
Your post-chiasmal diagnosis must be current.
Evidence of the In-Service Event
You must show you experienced an in-service event or in-service onset of your condition.
A Nexus
There must be a medical nexus (a connection) between a specific event/onset during your military service and your current diagnosis of post-chiasmal disorder.
A VA disability advocate can fight to get you the compensation you deserve if you are suffering from service-related post-chiasmal disorder. Chiasmal syndrome and other eye syndromes can have devastating physical, emotional, and financial consequences. Eye conditions resulting in severe vision loss and blindness can make even simple tasks daunting and are commonly associated with depression.
Although you have the right to seek benefits for your service-related injury, obtaining benefits can be difficult. Fortunately, you do not have to fight this battle alone. A veterans’ disability advocate can help you seek the maximum compensation you deserve so you can get on with life.
Consult with a veterans’ disability advocate by calling (888) 373-4722 today for a FREE, confidential consultation about your case.